At the Atlanta Airport

Waiting in Montreal.

So far it's been an adventure! We didn't have any problems in Atlanta, but we were not impressed with the little plane. Our carry-ons barely fit in the overhead bin sideways. The boys couldn't stand up in the plane and the seats were barely wide enough for me. It also was really loud from the engine noise and we couldn't see outside because there was no window next to us.
Then, when we landed in Toronto we had to go through customs. We had to declare our beef jerky and have them okay it (apparently it is okay if it is packaged in the USA). The customs officer also have us a lecture about pickpockets in Paris. Then we had to get our checked bag from baggage claim and recheck it to Montreal and Paris. But, our bag never came off the conveyor belt. We waited for 45 minutes or so and then sought help. They finally found it and said they were going to put it on Carousel 10. So we watched that for another 10 minutes and still didn't see it. Erin happened to look behind us at the oversized baggage and it had popped up there!
Then we decided to get something to eat because we were starving and had planned to eat an hour earlier (we had around 2.5 hours for our layover). So, we got the bag rechecked and found food at a 7-11. We still had 20 minutes before the flight boarded, so we sat and ate and got some water for our waterbottles at the drinking fountain. Then we went upstairs with 5 minutes to spare and encountered...another security checkpoint!!! The line at least went fast, but David had to dash out of line to dump the water bottles out and we had to reconfigure our liquids bags again. We did make the flight though, so I am impressed!
Now we are in Montreal and I like it much better than Toronto. It feels more worldly and laid back. Also, since everyone is speaking French it feels more like a foreign country. The funniest thing here is the number of pay phones in the airport. I thought pay phones were almost extinct, but there are tons of relatively new ones (they even take credit cards). That is the most unique thing here so far! Next stop Paris!!!!!